Hello and welcome, my name is Samantha Ford and this in my new website.
Over the next few months I will be conducting a Ford family tree search and will publish my results here, so keep em pealed :-)

Ford Name Meaning and History
  1. English: topographic name for someone who lived near a ford, Middle English, Old English ford, or a habitational name from one of the many places named with this word, such as Ford in Northumberland, Shropshire, and West Sussex, or Forde in Dorset.
  2. Irish: Anglicized form (quasi-translation) of various Gaelic names, for example Mac Giolla na Naomh ‘son of Gilla na Naomh’ (a personal name meaning ‘servant of the saints’), Mac Conshámha ‘son of Conshnámha’ (a personal name composed of the elements con ‘dog’ + snámh ‘to swim’), in all of which the final syllable was wrongly thought to be áth ‘ford’, and Ó Fuar(th)áin (see Foran).
  3. Jewish: Americanized form of one or more like-sounding Jewish surnames.
  4. Translation of German Fürth (see Furth).
Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-508137-4

Ford on Ancestry.co.uk